Central Nantes SEM-REV – France's first offshore multi-technology test site.


Headquarters Centrale Nantes - Station au Croisic, Rue de Kervenel - Parc de Penn Avel 44490, Le Croisic Website www.semrev.fr Contact Thomas Soulard semrev@ec-nantes.fr Phone +33(2) 40 60 83 54
The Centrale Nantes offfshore test site, SEM-REV, is the first site for multi-technology offshore testing that is connected to the grid. It has all the equipment – offshore and onshore – to develop, test and improve energy recovery systems (mainly from wind and wave sources). It will play a decisive role in meeting the challenge of marine renewable energy development in France. It is operated by Centrale Nantes, with the aim of helping manufacturers develop new energy production capacities. Drawing on Centrale Nantes' recognised marine renewables expertise, the SEM-REV strategy is all about providing permanent facilities and services for testing new marine renewable technologies in real conditions at sea. By allowing modelling, ocean tank testing and real-life testing, SEM-REV constitutes a one-of-a-kind accelerator for marine renewable technologies.

The offshore test site comprises:

  • A 1 km2 designated maritime zone, 20 km off Le Croisic, fully equipped to measure sea and weather conditions (wind, swell and local parameters) and clearly marked out by cardinal buoys.
  • Electric infrastructure to connect the system to the ERDF medium-voltage grid via an 8 MW 25 km cable.
  • A hub to connect three devices simultaneously.
  • A research centre, located at Penn-Avel, to receive and analyse data and control the test devices -staffed by a dozen researchers and engineers.
The site has already accommodated 3 offshore projects, including France's first floating wind turbine, Floatgen since 2018.
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