The École Nationale Supérieure Maritime (ENSM) is working on new plans that coordinate with the development of the marine renewable energies sector. Though these are still at an early stage, Yann Vachias, the director of the École’s Nantes site, discusses some of the challenges involved.
How does the development of marine renewable energies change things for the ENSM?
“The emergence of the sector requires new professional skills to be developed. We are therefore committed to structural changes at the heart of our professional training courses and research projects. Our competencies and skills, and notably our seafaring knowledge, will be indispensable in the successful establishment of the value chain in the marine renewable energies.“
The new project for the establishment of the ENSM was passed at the end of 2013. What impact will the renewable energies have at its Nantes site?
“A para-maritime (coastal and offshore) engineering option, specific to the Nantes site, will begin in the 2017-8 academic year. One of two options available will be in the domain of the marine energies, and within that it will be possible to specialise in the renewable energies. We are also developing shorter courses, and have several research projects connected with energy production.“
What projects and partnerships are already underway in the marine renewable energies?
“These are still in the planning phase at the moment. We are looking for possible synergies with the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, the University of Nantes, and the Jules Vernes Institute of Research and Technology. We are also fully involved in the Pays de la Loire Region‘s consultation process considering the necessary content for professional training in the marine renewable energies.”
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