MRE Contact

M. Alexandre FERRUS Managing director Phone: +33 6 87 84 30 69 Email: aferrus@octra.fr Linkedin ofM. Alexandre FERRUS
OCTRA MONTOIR DE BRETAGNE joins to the following structures:
Company's working languages
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
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Main presentation

OCTRA is a French company, expert in the transport of Global Project and Heavy-Lift components as well as in any activity related to multimodal transport. Our key feature is based on the concept of TRANSPORT ENGINEERING that we apply to all our complex operations and gives us a unique identity in Europe as well as within the sector. Our internal team of engineers (naval architects, civil & structural, Merchant Marine) are specialized and dedicated to heavy or sensitive transportation. OCTRA and its group of companies offers more than 30 years of experience worldwide and bring you not only transportation expertise but a full in-house and integrated engineering solution. OCTRA proposes a real and unique added value by providing efficient consulting, suitable technical advice and high skill analysis on top of the sensitive heavy lift transportation scope.

Company's main line of business

Marine renewables 25%, oil & gas 25%, T&D (grid) 25%, nuclear 25%

Company's trades and skills

Transportation engineering, transportation and heavy handling, transportation commissions (turnkey industrial projects in France or abroad)

MRE Technologies
  • Fixed wind energy
  • Floating wind energy
Position in the value chain in offshore wind energy
  • Assembly/Installation/Logistics
    • Onshore infrastructure/Works
      • Handling/Lifting
      • Storage
      • Other
    • Offshore installation
      • Marine transportation
        • Equipment transport
      • Specialised works/Marine works/Civil engineering
  • Operations and maintenance
    • O&M assistance and facilities
      • Boats
    • O&M resources (means of transport, equipment...)
MRE-related production and research facilities

Design bureau specialising in software for transport, lifting, vessel stability etc.

References in France

General Electric Renewable offshore wind (Ex-Alstom Wind offshore) and Chantiers de l'Atlantique (Ex-STX) - revenue confidential

References abroad

General Electric Renewable offshore wind / EDF EN Hanstholm (Denmark) - General Electric Renewable offshore wind China - revenue confidential