Address: 74 Bd de la Prairie au Duc44200 NANTES Website: Phone: +33 2 51 89 79 44
MRE Contact
M. Antoine MONTEILLET International Business Development Manager Phone: +33 2 51 89 79 44 Email: English
- French
- German
- Spanish
Skyborn Renewables is committed to a carbon-free future by accelerating the deployment of offshore wind worldwide. We are convinced that offshore wind is the cornerstone of the energy transition, and that it will help to secure energy supplies and reduce carbon emissions, providing future generations with sustainable energy. As a pioneer and major player in offshore wind, developer and operator, Skyborn Renewables has over 20 years' experience and 7 GW of offshore wind farms developed worldwide. Our portfolio of projects under development exceeds 30 GW. Skyborn Renewables is present in 15 countries in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, and is headquartered in Bremen (Germany).
Marine Renewable Energy
Development - engineering - financing - construction - operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms
- Fixed wind energy
- Floating wind energy
Project Development
- Design, scheme development
- Geotechnical/geophysical surveys
- Socio-economics and socio-industrial assessments
- Environmental impact assessment
- Assessments
- Resource assessment (wind, current, etc...)
- Environmental assessments
- Design, scheme development
Engineering and parts fabrication
- Parts/Materials
- Engineering
- Sub-assemblies
- Foundations
- Fixed Foundations
- Gravity
- Monopile
- Jacket
- Floating foundations
- Steel
- Concrete
- Hybrid
- Other
- Fixed Foundations
- Anchoring
- Cabling
- Inter-array cables
- Export cables
- Umbilicals
- Other
- Substations
- Other
- Foundations
- Parts/Materials
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
- Assembly
- Other
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
Operations and maintenance
- Operation
- Operation and maintenance management/Data, sensors management
- Inspection
- Inspection of subsea structures
- Other
- Servicing/Repair
- Turbine maintenance
- Blade maintenance
- Foundation/anchor maintenance
- Cable maintenance
- Substation maintenance
- Surveillance/Safety
- O&M assistance and facilities
- Other
- O&M resources (means of transport, equipment...)
- Specialised works
- Decommissioning
Support services
- Project Management Assistance
- Insurance/Banking/Financing
- Inspection/Quality/Security/Certification
- Other services (HR, Training, Communication)
Other technologies
- Project Development
Design bureau, GIS software such as WINDOGRAPHER, WASP, WINDPRO, WINDFARM, WINDFARMER, OPENWIND, WINDSIM, METEODYN, wind measuring instruments etc.
References in FranceOffshore wind farm projects at Courseulles, Fécamp, Yeu-Noirmoutier, Dunkirk, Bretagne, Oleron, Boulogne Grand Large
References abroadSince its inception in 2000, WPD offshore has featured among the offshore wind pioneers (21 projects developed with 10 authorised), 3 offshore wind farms constructed with a total capacity of 447 MW and 7500 MW in projects under way in Europe, USA and Asia